
Friday 29 July 2016

10 times you feel really awkward
Green overhead road sign with a Beware Awkward Moments Next Exit concept against a partly cloudy sky background. - stock photo
 We all have definitely faced situations that have left us feeling nothing but awkward- right? It could have been falling down the stairs or trying to greet someone and the person doesn’t hear or pretends not to. There sure have been a lot of times you have been in awkward positions but below are 10(+1) possibly awkward situations, hope you enjoy reading and can totally relate.
  • When your bully senior sends you on an errand with barely enough money.
  • When mom/dad goes through your messages (this isn't awkward except you've got something to hide).
  • When mom sends for something and dad says you shouldn't go without giving a reason.
  • When anticipating someone's arrival and when he/she arrives you just can't utter a word.
  • When you're all chatty online but quite the opposite IRL.
  • When you receive group chat feeds, have an awesome reply but it's no longer relevant.
  • When people always think your birthday is a day after it really is- would it be better if they forgot?
  • Missing an easy goal while the whole school watches.
  • Seeing a random person fall from missing a step and not knowing whether to walk past or say sorry.
  • Walking away to pick incoming calls while your parent asks why you walk away.
Bonus: having to listen to someone in the background when speaking on the phone or forgetting to cut a call when it is over. Hmm!! totally awkward.

Saturday 16 July 2016

Welcome Note

 Hello, this is our first post on this blog and it officially marks the start of this awesome blog. You may wonder, "why create a blog like this?". Well, the motive behind this blog as you might have read is to create a place for Nigerian teens to connect and get information that they can actually relate to. Also, to us on the team "teenagehood" is so to speak a volatile stage of growth -when you discover yourself, probably give in to peer pressure and have one of the best times of your life- and we are here to help with the struggles and volatility of being a teenager.

  What makes this blog awesome??
  • We'd like to believe that this is the first of its kind in Nigeria.
  • It holds dearly our value system and teenagers in high esteem.
  • Most importantly it is the brainchild of a teenager like you.

  We hope you do enjoy every bit of this blog and that someday it would become one of your favourite sites. You are welcome to "" a blog for Nigerian teens.
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