Thanksgiving is meant to be a time set apart just to be thankful for
all manner of things; you do not have to wait for the fourth Thursday
in November to be thankful to your Creator for your experiences and
escapes in the previous months. Even though we don’t celebrate
thanksgiving as a festivity except when something big happens- say, an
escape from a ghastly accident or answer to something long awaited- as
Nigerians, I just felt like talking about this today. This is just to
tell you that regardless your present situation and whatever you might
have been through be thankful because some people have been in such and
never came out of it. You also need to be thankful at all times because a
thankful and cheerful heart I believe is fit for more blessings. As you
devour that meal today thank God that you have the opportunity to. Just
put on a heart of thanksgiving no matter what happens and try to be
thankful as often as possible cos it helps—I’m no preacher but I like
seeing thankful and cheerful people. As you go out today, be happy
Nigerian teenagers regardless what you come across. Happy thanksgiving
and enjoy your celebration if you do celebrate today.