
Tuesday, 20 September 2016

10 productive things to do when really really bored

  1. Get on YouTube: YouTube is a site for videos— sure you all know that—, you can subscribe to channels that do stuffs you have interest in be it whatever.  Yea you can even make your personal videos and post them on, this might just get you some fan base you never can tell.
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  2. Pick up a non-school book to read: I think picking a school related book may even make one get bored the more being that when in a state of boredom the last thing is reading to understand, so a holy book, comic book, novel or magazine can do the trick.
    Image result for popular young adult books
  3. If you are artsy at heart you can pick up a pen and draw away till you feel bored no more. These works might even get you some extra money if you are business minded and they are really good.
  4. Look out for DIYs: the internet definitely cannot be short of DIYs whether it is fashion, interior 
    décor, remaking things generally whatever tickles your fancy I feel you would find ‘em. 
    Image result for diys
  5. Get your creative juices flowing (I kinda made reference to this in point 3): this can be in various forms depending on the skills you have, it could be writing, composition whatever it is just don’t stay idle.
  6. Learn something new: this could be done using online platforms or from people around you with basic knowledge in what you have little or no idea of.
  7. Crochet or sew: quite a number of younger teenagers (esp. girls) have some skill in the former while some older teenagers (both guys & girls) have skills in the later. Either way, it is a pretty cool way to while away time because one can make use of what has been made during free time. 
    Likewise, it can earn you some cash by making stuffs for people close to you who like your work.
    Image result for crochet and tailoring works          Image result for tailoring works
  8. Take a walk: you may be surprised seeing this on the list but it is quite productive. Taking a walk when bored keeps you in touch with your environment and helps clear your head, it can also be used to replace once in a while exercises if done on a routine basis.
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  9. Sleep: Sleeping is a way to relax especially when stressed or tired. Sleeping rejuvenates and makes one feel well rested. You’ll be surprised how much a good rest will do for you—especially if you don’t sleep well at night—and how time would pass. (Please don’t sleep when you have a list of things you ought to do).

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  10. Take lessons or lectures online: there are some sites that offer free tutorials on both academic and non-academic things, take for instance coding, lessons on musical instruments, some beauty lessons and the list goes on(this somehow comes down to YouTube) . Just search for what tutorial you are in need of and voila there it is.
What ought to be on this list that isn’t? You can tell me what you do in your free time that you see as productive.
(Images ; and

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