
Friday 9 December 2016

Things you never knew about your very Nigerian parents

   Even though they may be seemingly insatiable at times, you have no choice but to be tolerant because they are your parents. At times we may have the feeling that our parents have little love for us because they hassle us on a regular basis as regards studies as well as other things and may not grant our wishes for reasons best known to them but trust me a majority of them care for you –being that not all parents are meant to be parents.
   Below are a couple of things you probably don’t know about your parents:
+ They love you even though they may not show it
+ They hurt just like you do: them being your parents doesn’t mean they are not human or don’t have feelings. So, be careful how you speak to them or treat them cos they don’t like being hurt just like you too * or do you? *
+ They push you so hard because they want you to go beyond where they stopped: seems to me like most Nigerian parents want their posterity to be greater than they are –as it should be. So the next time you get troubled to do something that is mainly for your benefit don’t misunderstand their action.
+ They go through a lot just for our good many-a-time: the fact that your parents don’t trouble you with this doesn’t mean it isn’t so, therefore try and see reasons with them on certain situations especially when they don’t meet your needs pronto.
+ They maybe don’t have the resources when it looks like they have forgotten: I’m sure you can attest to the fact that Nigerian parents can be pretty forgetful, but has it ever occurred to you that they just don’t have the resources right then. Please I beg of you remind them but not in an annoying or stupid manner cos like I said they have feelings too.
+ They forget real fast: I know I may sound contradictory right now but as a result of quite a number of things to think about, they tend to forget things both important and unimportant easily. It takes some wisdom to remind them of things especially if they are hot-tempered.
+ They worry about you: even though you don’t see it written all over them *especially the dads*, there is always an iota of worry in them as regards you. It won’t be nice to go out without telling them or calling them to notify them about your late arrival or not informing them when you have issues they probably ought to know about.
+ They can be very investigative: when they want to be, they can pass for a ‘Sherlock Holmes’ because they can find out what they want to even though you don’t think they can.
    I hope you have some more understanding –regardless how little— about your parents’ demeanour and you get to treat them better.
PS: This write up is based on my Nigerian parent experience.

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