
Wednesday 25 January 2017

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Tips for better grades this term/semester

  It's a new year and most schools -if not all- at secondary levels have begun the second term of the '16/'17 session. Likewise, most universities have begun a new school year. School can be really stressful especially when time is not utilised properly. I also believe that quite a number of you viewing this post are looking to getting better grades this time around than the previous term/semester. Well, I have gathered some tips to help you up those grades.

  • Create a realistic schedule: In my life as a student, I have created quite a number of schedules and it's been only but a few I have been able to stick to. Make a study schedule that blends into your everyday life, schedules that are really realistic to maintain. Say, you are not one that likes to compromise sleep, schedule study for times during the day not night. 
  • Don't wait for exams to come knocking: This is practically how I was raised,start reading from the first day lectures start. Doing this, you'd only need revision during exams and tests and not necessarily need to pull an all-nighter or stress yourself out when exams come by. Try revising what you can at the end of each day. 
  • Balance the social and academic life: Yes, we are teenagers and fun is quite important a vocabulary in our dictionary but don't let the fun outweigh your academic life - that is,  if you desire better grades. Spend less time on distractions.
  • Participate actively during lessons: It's not everything that is said during a lesson that would end up appearing the the note so, keep a functional jotter where you can put down info that you believe would be helpful - I remember quite a number of my teachers that encouraged us to keep jotters. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions when clarity is needed, it won't kill. 
  • Make good use of IT: Virtually every teenager had access to devices and the internet, use these for academic research and information gathering purposes. You might even end up with more information than was given to you in school. 
  • Focus more on subjects of weakness: for example, you had a C in math in the previous term and a B in chemistry in the same term, it would be wise to pay more attention to math than chemistry but still not neglecting chemistry. 

   These are the few but I believe helpful tips I have for you to help you get better grades this new term.
P. S: This from a student to a student, hope you find this article helpful. 👍

Friday 20 January 2017

14 ways to rock the denim on denim trend

    Hey guys, so this is my first fashion related post on this blog ever and we'd be looking at denim, even though it's not so new a trend I  hope you enjoy this piece.
Pretty sure you have been seeing this trend around last year both on guys and ladies alike. It could be in various washes (acid, light or dark) and you can also rock this using a jacket on cool or harmattan days. This article has different ideas for your denim on denim, be you a guy or a girl.
So, as the lingo goes, ladies first:

1. Opt for a denim shirt with a denim skirt (distressed or not). Liking the sneaker twist to her outfit.
 2. Use different shades of denim- light and dark.
 3. Or just a different color all together like white. Add some print with a denim jacket.
 4. The denim on denim trend is not for tops and trousers alone. A denim dress with a denim jacket comes out well too.
 5. Tuck your denim shirt into your denim pants. You may or may not skip the belt part. Add on some cool sneakers as well.
 6. A denim skirt with a denim shirt of the same wash look good together. Knock on a face cap for them sunny days.
 7. Go for the old plain top and denim jacket look especially on cool days.
 And down to the guys, obviously this trend is more versatile for girls but I dug up a few things for you too;

9. Different washes plus a nice cardigan on those harmattan mornings. Loving the pair of oxfords.
 10. A much darker wash for the trousers and a lighter wash for the top. Add a half-tuck as well ( remember Beckham). A Fedora will spice it up a bit.
 11. You can as well add a patterned shirt underneath your denim jacket. Don't forget to cuff the jeans and add a desert boot or hi-tops.
 12. You can ask well opt for the same washes up and down like the guy down there.
 13. Go for a jacket of a different shade from the bottom.
 14. Wear a denim shirt as a 'jacket'over another plain shirt.

Thursday 12 January 2017

5 things to do before you touch that phone

    I know that we are in the computer age and that most teenagers possess phones – smart or otherwise. I’ve also realized that quite a number of teenagers are literally attached to their phones, for some, their phones have literally become a “body part” they can’t do without. Regardless how attached you may be to your phone, there are still somethings you need to do before you touch/switch on that phone upon waking. This list entails such things.
P.S: This list isn’t for teenagers alone, plus these are my personal opinions.

1. Pray: this definitely tops my list. For the fact that you slept and woke, thanking God and praying to Him is reasonably the first thing to do upon waking. Also, touching your phone- except it’s to check time- before praying translates to putting your phone before God. It is wise to commit the day ahead into the hands of your maker.

2. Do your chores: I know how addictive phones can be- esp. smartphones with data subscription- so it is a reasonable thing to do the chores that can be done upon waking instead of pressing your phone and then be called to leave it and do your chores.

3. Meditate: Picking up that phone before doing this is likely to make you not do this at all. Personally, I’d rather it be done before getting out of bed- right after praying- just take time to think and get your mind prepared for the day ahead, who to call, places to visit, things to do. And also to connect to God through silence and being focused on Him.

4. Organize activities for the day: it’s sensible to have a mental plan of the things you’d do for the day. You may also create a to-do list or set reminders so as not to forget some activities- guess you might be needing your phone for this however, hard copy doesn’t hurt in case battery run flat.

5. Exercise: This is a vital necessity for a healthy body, it can come in various forms, it all depends on what suits you. Exercising before touching that phone is a very good thing as it sets both your mind and your body ready for the rest of the day. Exercising before touching that phone avails distractions during exercise routines.

Saturday 7 January 2017

Inferiority Complex

Inferiority complex according to OALD (8th Edition) is a feeling that you are not as good, as important or as intelligent as other people. Actually, this can occur at on age but I feel teenagers and young adults are more susceptible to this sort of feeling. This sort of feeling may arise due to your background, size or possession when compared to others around you. Below are some signs that you are suffering from inferiority complex as compiled from the internet –if you aren’t sure you suffer from it.
Signs of inferiority complex

1. Heightened Sensitivity to Other People’s Opinions. Are you highly sensitive to what others think and say about you? Do you immediately feel small whenever there is a critical comment about you? Don’t feel confident about yourself?
You often take it to heart what others say. You crumble at the slightest remark about yourself. The alarm bells inside your head go ringing, “You are not good enough”.
2. Social Withdrawal. You dislike being in a crowd because you cannot get rid of the sneaking suspicion that you are not as good as others. You would rather not have others find out the truth about how lousy or insecure you are. You hate any forms of comparison, which could be inevitable if you belong to some kind of a group. You prefer to be left on your own.
3. Fault Finding. You have a trained eye in picking up the faults or imperfections about others. Since you do not already feel good about yourself, you may as well cause others to feel poorly too. Thus, no one in your mind can be superior. In other words, you need to make others feel small so that you can look bigger.
4. Place Own Needs Last. Having an inferiority complex can cause you to put your own needs last. You try to brush them aside. However, you are really wallowing in feelings of unworthiness. Over a long time, you start to accumulate anger.
5. You Try To Hide Your Flaws Or Distract People From Them… Without Success
Sometimes people who feel ugly or insecure about their appearance will give up trying to improve it completely. Other times they will
carefully try to hide whatever it is they feel ashamed of:
This could be as simple as wearing baggy dark clothes when you don’t like your body shape.
Or maybe trying to always strike a certain pose in photos.
Constantly checking your reflection in windows and mirrors.
I remember avoiding smiling as much as possible back when I was painfully insecure about my slightly crooked front teeth. I notice teenagers who have braces also often do this, or cover their mouth with their hand when they laugh.
And I suppose some women may wear more makeup when they’re feeling ugly, but I’m no expert here.
All of these examples are ways of trying to control how other people see you, so that you can avoid their judgement of your inferior qualities. All it usually does is make you feel more self conscious and stressed, from all the strained effort and constant alertness.
Things to know that would help you deal with inferiority complex

The first thing you have to know is God loves you regardless your size or possession. So, if God loves you and every other person possibly doesn’t, I guess it doesn’t really matter.
We all cannot be the same, we are all one-of-a-kind species, you are meant to be you and not a copy of another person. It’s okay to aspire to be like someone but still maintain your uniqueness.
Because someone seems better than you today doesn’t mean things would always be that way. Anything can happen that would turn you around for the better.
Not using the latest gadgets or wearing expensive clothes doesn’t make you any less a person.
The person you look at as intelligent or comfortable most likely got there by hard work, so work harder too.
Your background or start influences a lot but you determine where and how you finish.
Lastly, if you love yourself and see yourself as close to perfect –still leaving room for improvement and dismissing ego– then there’s nothing one would say or do that would put you down. So, learn to love yourself.

Note : signs of inferiority complex gotten from and

Thursday 5 January 2017

8 things that would likely make 2017 a better year

 Welcome to 2017!!! Sincerely hope this year is better than last year for us all. So, in the spirit of a New Year, we would be giving some advice as regards the New Year, making it better than last year. Here’s a quick list of some things to incorporate into your life this year.
 Read more: readers as they say are leaders, reading more books this year would definitely leave you as a better person. Motivational books, books that bring more understanding of issues of life and basic stuff.
 Trust God: I guess this is self-explanatory.
 Give up that habit that your conscience always pricks you about: there are stuffs that you do that many a time you conscience doesn’t agree with. I guess it would be a good idea to give that habit/ vice up and embrace better habits
 Stop procrastinating: procrastination is simply moving forward things that you can do now for some not so good reason. Procrastination on the long run doesn’t help ‘cause you end up doing what you could have done before under more pressure and stress. Giving up procrastination would make your year better.
 Take risks: in this case, I mean reasonable risks like pursuing your dream career – dreams do come true–, investing et al. Often time, we lose good opportunities because we are afraid of taking risks. Some reasonable risks would definitely make 2017 a better year.
 Be more organized: organization is pretty key, a day-to-day schedule or monthly schedule can help. For some of us, sticking to schedules takes a lot of discipline –personally I’m guilty. Have down the things you would like to do per quarter, I guess this would make a better and organized year.
 Work smarter: hardwork is good but smart work pays better. Work calculatively and smarter this year so as to make it better.
 Quit overthinking: I know some times we go through stuffs that tend to make us think a lot but to be sincere overthinking can leave you stressed out and make you lose focus on what you really are meant to focus on.
   Trust me, these things would make better moments in this year than the last. Least I forget, thanks to my friend that inspired this post. And thanks for reading.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Bucket list 2017

     Happy New Year guys!! It’s a new day in a new year and one thing that accompanies the phrase “new year” is revolution. However, we’d be looking at our bucket list for the year. A bucket list basically is a list about the things you’d like to do in some nearest future, the nearest future being the year 2017 in this case.
     I’m pretty certain that there are goals that most of us have set already and places that we are hoping to be/go this year hence, the need for a bucket list. Your bucket list doesn’t necessarily have to be long- it all depends on you.
     Below is my little bucket list, please do share with me yours in the comments section.
1 Attend a musical festival- the experience.
2 Learn a skill
3 Attend a camp
4 Volunteer
5 Have better experience with God
6 Add on a couple of friends
7 Attend a slam/ spoken word contest
     Like I said, it doesn’t have to be long and that above is my minutiae bucket list, thanks for reading and I hope to read your bucket list too. Have an awesome year ahead.